- CPR – cardiopulmonary resuscitation are measures to restore cardiac function or support breathing in case of cardiac or respiratory arrest or malfunction. Includes:
- chest compression
- electric shock to the chest
- placing tubes in the airway to assist breathing.
- May be executed by any person over age 18 who has decisional capacity to provide informed consent or any person authorized by law to make medical treatment decisions on behalf of an adult who lacks decisional capacity.
- There is a duty to comply with CPR Directives by:
- emergency medical service personnel
- health care providers and facilities
- No one is subject to civil or criminal liability for complying with a person’s CPR Directive.
- A person’s consent to CPR is presumed without a CPR Directive.
- In an inpatient setting, the Directive is implemented as a physician’s order concerning resuscitation as directed by the person in the Directive.
- May be revoked at any time by the person making the Directive or the person who is the subject of the Directive.
- Form can only be obtained through a licensed health care facility or a physician.
- Physician must inform person or surrogate of consequences and sign the Directive form.
- Person can obtain a specific identifying bracelet or necklace.
- Bracelet and necklace and more information available from the Colorado Medical Society.
For more information please call 303-228-5382, or send an email.