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Contracted Guardianship Services
Guardianship Alliance of Colorado offers contracted guardianship services to government and private social service organizations, serving clients in need of an advocate and surrogate decision maker.
Guardianship Alliance of Colorado provides 24/7 Guardianship services for vulnerable and at-risk adults who have no available family or community supports. We understand the challenges of locating and securing adequate community placement following a hospital stay or loss of housing. We work collaboratively with current care staff to evaluate the need for after-care services, assist in making appointments, finding transportation, and assist with obtaining medical and financial benefits to ensure a smooth transition. We remain an active partner with the client’s care team, residential facility, and family to make certain that their best interests are met for the duration of the Guardianship order.
If your organization is need of Guardianship services for your clients, we will provide comprehensive Guardianship services from the petitioning phase to placement and ongoing.
For questions regarding our contracted Guardianship services, please contact Guardianship Alliance of Colorado 303-226-5526.