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- Volunteer Guardian Program
Volunteer Guardian Program
Guardianship Alliance of Colorado provides Guardianship to Colorado residents who are vulnerable or highly at-risk of abuse and exploitation and require assistance making important life decisions. Many of these individuals have no or very little family or financial support, making it difficult to obtain quality Guardianship services.
Guardianship Alliance of Colorado’s Volunteer Guardian Program is designed to provide these individuals with professional guardianship services free of charge. By recruiting, screening, and training volunteers from our community, we are able to provide the highest quality Guardianship services to those in dire need, without the need of unavailable resources.
For volunteer Guardians, we provide:
- Comprehensive Training
Guardianship Alliance of Colorado provides free training to all volunteer guardians through our own Guardianship Training Class. The Guardianship Training Class will provide volunteers with the tools and resources needed to be a successful Guardian. An experienced professional Guardian will provide comprehensive training based on the National Guardianship Association’s “Standards of Practice”, ensuring your success in the field.
- Ongoing Support and Consultation
As a volunteer Guardian, you will have access to a professional Guardian that can provide you with support and ongoing training. You may encounter questions while in the field or while completing tasks on behalf of a client, and we are here to help.
What characteristics make a successful volunteer Guardian?
- A desire to help those who are unable to help themselves.
- The ability and willingness to provide oversight over mentally, intellectually, and physically incapacitated individuals.
- A strong attention to detail. Often, as a Guardian, you must notice irregularities in care that others may not notice, such as changes in behavior, hygiene, or health.
- Confidence to ask questions when needed and to act when the situation calls for it.
- Effective verbal and written communication skills.
What will be required of a volunteer guardian?
- Attendance at our Guardianship Training Class.
- Two to three hours per week for visits, care planning, and documentation.
- Occasional meeting with a professional Guardian for follow-up and oversight.
- Preparing an Annual Guardian’s Report to be submitted to the court by GAC.