Education Resources

“The first IEP is definitely a learning experience. The best thing I learned to do in preparation for the meeting was write up a list of my daughter’s strengths – stuff like creative, loves books, great laugh, good with computers (not just academic type things is my point), and weaknesses – poor tolerance for frustration, trouble with transitions, medical stuff (like lactose intolerant and not toilet trained) for example. As she got older I would bring in more academic concerns to the meetings, but at just getting started in school, for me it was more about daily living type stuff.”

~ Mom of a daughter with Autism/ADHD/Anxiety


In this section, you will find information and resources on the following topics. Just click each topic to see the resource pages.


Thanks to a partnership with Colorado Circle K stores, Parent to Parent has presented ipads and gift cards to children and youth with disabilities. Parents report that these have become very valuable tools for a student’s participation in school and development of social and academic skills

Our future is best planned today…we must demand real and meaningful disability community engagement. Nothing about us without us, ever!



As a family member of a person with a disability, your knowledge of your son or daughter’s needs is critical to determining appropriate programs or services. At Parent to Parent we trust that you will take the time to evaluate the information provided, ask more questions if needed, and ultimately decide what is appropriate for your family situation. An opinion by posters or references in The Resource Storeroom to any specific product, service, therapy or company does not constitute a recommendation by Parent to Parent of Colorado. Information/advice in this document should not be substituted for professional consultation.
801 Yosemite Street   |   Denver, CO 80230   |   303.691.9339   |