Inclusion, IEPs, and 504’s Information
Colorado Department of Education IEP Resources –This page provides sample IEP forms and a useful video titled: An Overview of the Special Education Process that summarizes the IEP process and supplements the information with tips and comments by parents and professionals. The Video is available in English and Spanish and the webpage also provides written transcripts as well as a large print transcript.
CDE IEP Video (English) CDE IEP Video (Spanish)
Colorado State Standards Content Areas – your child’s IEP should provide access to the learning standards and be designed to help your child make reasonable progress.
Colorado Department of Education Accommodations Information – accommodations are designed to give your student access to the general education curriculum and include accommodations provided during district and state assessments.
Extended Evidence Outcomes – Modifications to State Standards for students with significant needs.
Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Family School and Community Partnering — this set of resources is provided to parents and schools to support the learning of all students
Project Participate – Provides families, educators, administrators and therapists with simple strategies to increase the active participation of students with disabilities in school programs. A project of JFKPartners.
Transportation is a related service on the IEP and may be required to allow your student to access >his/her educational program. The Colorado Student Transportation Disabilities Manual providesguidance to school districts. This article addresses some of the myths about special education transportation and provides additional resources.<
IEP FAQ – basic information about Individualized Education Program meetings
Bridges for Kids has a variety of IEP topics with links to other resources
Developing a SMART IEP – an article from Wrightslaw
Extended School Year Services (ESY) information from Wrightslaw and Colorado Department of Education ESY – includes a PowerPoint and explanation of how Extended School Year services are determined in Colorado
How to Request a 1-1 Paraprofessional – article from the Wrightslaw website
IEPs for Children with Behavior Problems (Wrightslaw) and Colorado Department of Education Behavior webpage – links to research based practices when your child has challenging behaviors
Kids Together Inclusion Resources – Many resources for families about inclusion of children and adults in communities
Learning Disabilities Association of America – In addition to this information on special education services, check out the other helpful Parent sections of this website!
A Care Notebook is a tool that can help you organize important information about your child. Bring the notebook to appointments and meetings, so you can easily share information with doctors, therapists, and school or child care staff
National Center on Inclusive Education – When students with disabilities are provided appropriate instruction and supports, they can learn grade-level general education curriculum, communicate in ways that are commensurate with their same-age peers without disabilities, have meaningful social relationships, and graduate from high school—college and career ready.
National Center on Dispute Resolution in Special Education (CADRE) provides guidance and resources about resolving issues with your child’s IEP and school. Advice on Early Dispute Resolution (Colorado Special Education Advisory Committee) Colorado Department of Education Dispute Resolution information.
The Pacer Center – Contains many different special education related resources for parents. Some are specific to Minnesota where the center is located.
The Pop-Up IEP – Suggested responses to statements like “The general education teacher couldn’t be here today.” Helps you prepare to address professionals’ statements at the IEP meeting.
TASH is a national organization whose mission is to promote the full inclusion and participation of children and adults with significant disabilities in every aspect of their community, and to eliminate the social injustices that diminish human rights. These things are accomplished through collaboration among self-advocates, families, professionals, policy-makers, advocates and many others who seek to promote equity, opportunity and inclusion
When Your Child’s Teacher is Not Following the IEP – article from the Wrightslaw website
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) prohibits discrimination and ensures equal opportunity for persons with disabilities in employment, State and local government services, public accommodations, commercial facilities, and transportation.
Agencies with ADA Responsibilities A 504 plan, which falls under civil-rights law (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act) , is an attempt to remove barriers and allow students with disabilities to participate freely; like the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), it seeks to level the playing field so that those students can safely pursue the same opportunities as everyone else.
The Difference between IEPs and 504 Plans – a helpful chart that shows similarities and differences
504 Resources and Sample Plans
Information on Section 504(Colorado Department of Education)- scroll to the bottom of the page
Office of Civil Rights FAQ about Section 504