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Programs of Ability Connection Colorado
Ability Connection Colorado (ACCO) provides services to over 50,000 Coloradans each year through Early Childhood Education (Creative Options), Employment (Employment Works), and Family Support and Advocacy (Statewide Support Services). Our primary focus has been and will continue to be to facilitate maximizing the human potential of all individuals and families accessing services and support the movement from dependence to independence.
Creative Options for Early Childhood Education
Providing early childhood education to 490 children and their families last year. To promote the overall health of our children, we incorporate academic, health, and social emotional programming; parent engagement processes; teacher’s professional development; school readiness plans; and prenatal education for under-served pregnant moms. Many children have a disability (or are at-risk), and have health and behavioral issues. We continue to provide professional services in all areas. Ninety-five percent (95%) of our families are low income.
Providing employment related services to 4,196 individuals with disabilities and other challenges last year. Services include Social Security benefits and work incentive planning; youth employment mentoring; and adult and youth job development and placement. Data regarding income levels is not gathered on these folks, but we estimate that 85-90% of clients are low income.
Providing a parent-driven network of five organizations that served 33,447 individuals with disabilities and their families last year and significantly impacted individuals/parents/families’ abilities to move through the complex systems of education, health and community living. Data regarding income levels is not gathered on these folks, but we estimate that 50% are low income.